20 March, 2024
Easter is one of the most dangerous times to be on the road in South Africa, with the period historically recording one of the highest accident rates per day. While accidents do happen, by following these tips you can ensure the safest journey possible.
Don’t drink and drive : Drinking and using the road is one of the biggest contributors to accidents on our roads, both by drivers as well as pedestrians and should be avoided at all cost. As a driver you are not only endangering your own life, but you are also endangering the lives of your passengers and other road users. Drivers causing and accident while under the influence will most certainly face the full might of the law which could result in serious criminal charges. Driving with a hangover is also not a good idea, as this will affect your alertness and cognitive ability as a driver, so be sure to fully recover from festivities before hitting the road.
Avoid driving at night : Driving at night is popular over long weekends as South Africans try to get to their holiday destination after work, but it is during this time that the biggest proportion of accidents take place. Driving at night is an extremely hazardous practice as our roads are littered with a wide variety of hazards, including unroadworthy vehicles, pedestrians and animals. If you do need to drive at night, it is important to remember that your visibility and what you can see at night is greatly reduced and you should adapt your speed and driving style to accommodate for this.
Have your vehicle serviced A vehicle that is well maintained will ensure a road trip without any hassles. Before setting off make sure that your vehicle is not due for a service and that any issues are seen to. Kia Retail offer customers a free safety check, where expert technicians will inspect the vehicle and ensure that it is in tip top shape before you hit the road this festive season.
It is also a good idea to prepare your vehicle adequately by ensuring that all the lights work, that it is clean, that all the fluids are at the required level and that the tyres are inflated to the correct pressure for the load you are carrying. Don’t forget to check that spare wheel too.
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